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live the hinterland

10 minutes from the sea!

Bergallo was born at the beginning of the last century thanks to grandparents, in a simple house.

Soup dishes were prepared at the time when it was carried on with the transport of goods by livestock carts.

Then in the 30s you move to the square (the current location), then in the 50s / 60s the room is amplified, to arrive to the present day with a complete modernization in the years 1999/00.

Sale of local products including: organic extra virgin olive oil and derivatives, amaretti sassello, lagaccio biscuits, honey, liqueurs and wines with a choice of over 50 Italian and foreign labels.

Especially organized to accommodate tourist groups.

Associated "Wine and Oil Road".

Quaint and welcoming! Very beautifull..

It immediately feels like family!

Stefano, Savona.

the values of a time, but in step with the times!

P.zza San Carlo 7 - Bardino Vecchio (SV)

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For every need, from business lunch to wedding, do not hesitate to contact us!

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